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Supertramp, School

Una de las canciones que me han hecho soñar más…


I can see you in the morning when you go to school
Dont forget your books, you know youve got to learn the golden rule,
Teacher tells you stop your play and get on with your work
And be like johnnie – too-good, well dont you know he never shirks
– hes coming along!

After school is over youre playing in the park
Dont be out too late, dont let it get too dark
They tell you not to hang around and learn what lifes about
And grow up just like them – wont you let it work it out
– and youre full of doubt

Dont do this and dont do that
What are they trying to do?
– make a good boy of you
Do they know where its at?
Dont criticise, theyre old and wise
Do as they tell you to
Dont want the devil to
Come out and put your eyes

Maybe Im mistaken expecting you to fight
Or maybe Im just crazy, I dont know wrong from right
But while I am still living, Ive just got this to say
Its always up to you if you want to be that
Want to see that
Want to see that way
– youre coming along!


1 Evemary { 11.17.08 at 13:05 }

Supertramp, madre mía, cualquier cosa de esta gente merece la escucha.

2 mJ { 11.19.08 at 21:10 }

ADORO esta canción 🙂

3 banyuken { 11.21.08 at 18:09 }

@Evemary: esta canción, desde luego que sí.

@mJ: yo también. Desde la primera vez que la escuché, en el coche, en el programa La Gramola. No la conocía de nada, pero terminé la canción a casi 160 por hora, con un subidón físico y psíquico considerable.