La conversi贸n de Alec Guinness
Soy cat贸lico no practicante. Fui cat贸lico practicante en una 茅poca de mi vida considerable, con m谩s luces que sombras. Ahora no lo soy. Pero me gusta saborear en mi memoria el dulce regusto de mi conversi贸n, de aquella 茅poca en que la entelequia de vivir cada segundo para Dios trasform贸 mi vida, d谩ndole una dimensi贸n sobrenatural para mi desconocida. Al menos as铆 lo ve铆a yo.
Y aqu铆 radica lo espinoso de este tipo de experiencias, las conversiones. El ateo, el agn贸stico, puede enfrentarse con escepticismo a ellas. Lo comprendo perfectamente. Pero forzosamente ha de respetarlas, siempre y cuando el celo del convertido no lo lleve a despertarle a las tantas de la madrugada para discutir detalles teol贸gicos.
A mi particularmente me llaman poderosamente la atenci贸n algunas historias de conversiones. Leyendo la biograf铆a de Alec Guinness en la Wikipedia en espa帽ol, me encontr茅 con las siguientes l铆neas:
En 1954, durante la filmaci贸n de la pel铆cula El Padre Brown, 茅l y su esposa se convirtieron al catolicismo romano manteniendo la fe hasta su muerte. Su hijo, Matthew se convirti贸 un tiempo despu茅s.
Queriendo ampliar la informaci贸n al respecto, me fui a su entrada de la Wikipedia en ingl茅s:
While serving in the Royal Navy, Guinness for a while planned on becoming an Anglican priest. In 1954, however, during the shooting of the film Father Brown, Alec and Merula Guinness were formally received into the Roman Catholic Church. They would remain devout and regular church-goers for the remainder of their lives. Their son Matthew had converted to Catholicism some time earlier. Every morning, Guinness recited a verse from Psalm 143, “Cause me to hear your loving kindness in the morning”
The Guardian lo cuenta de esta forma:
His conversion to Roman Catholicism followed an episode during the 1954 shooting of Father Brown (called The Detective in the US), in which he played GK Chesterton’s cheery cleric. Walking back in the dark, still in a cassock, to the station hotel of a village near Macon after a drink in the local bar with Peter Finch, his hand was seized by a small boy, a complete stranger, who called him “Mon p猫re” and trotted along beside him chatting in French.
Despite his phony credentials as a cleric, Guinness felt strongly that the reality of this trust was important. When his 11-year-old son Matthew was temporarily crippled from the waist down with polio, Guinness had taken to dropping in on church and praying. Shortly after Father Brown, he joined the church of Rome.
Por cierto, si alguien tiene la pel铆cula del Padre Brown protagonizada por Alec Guinness, le agradecer铆a much铆simo una copia…
September 15, 2008 8 comentarios